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It is important to the BDRI that we provide an impartial and transparent Certification service and like to receive input from any concerned parties on the performance of our Operators at any time. If you as a consumer believe that an Operator has acted fraudulently or are concerned about a procedure regarding the BDRI’s certification process please contact us info@demeter.org.au or use the complaint form below. The BDRI has a policy of ensuring there is impartiality in their certification decisions. Further the BDRI takes complaints against Operators very seriously.
The BDRI has a policy of ensuring there is impartiality in their certification decisions. The option for an Operator to appeal against a BDRI decision is a basic right.
The BDRI has an appeals process for further information please contact us: info@demeter.org.au
Working with nature since 1952 to provide quality, health building food for you.
Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) 120b Beresford Rd. Lilydale, VIC, 3140 Australia
The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) is an Australian Government approved organic certification organisation. © 2024 Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI)