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Palmer, R & O T/A Highground Organics
Palmer, R & O T/A Highground Organics

Certified Demeter Bio - Dynamic:

Apples, Apricots, Avocado, Beetroot, Blackberry, Blueberry, Broccoli, Cabbage, Capsicum, Celery, Chard, Cherries, Chillies, Chives, Cos, Cucumbers, Currents, Dill,  Eggplants, Eggs, Figs, Garlic, Grapes, Hay, Japmustard, JerArtichokes, Kale, Lemon Verbena, Lemon Grass, Lemons, Live Cattle, Live Chickens, Loganberries, Melons, Mint, Mulberries, Oregano, Parsley, Passion Fruit, Pasture, Pasture Hay, Plums, Pumpkins, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Rock Melon, Rocket, Rosemary, Sage, Silverbeet, Spinach, Spring Onions, Squash, Thyme, Tomatoes, Wheat grass, Zucchini.

This Operator is certified to:

a) the Australian Demeter Bio - Dynamic Standard

b) the National Standard for Organic and Bio - Dynamic Produce.

Western-Australia, Australia

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The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) is an Australian Government approved organic certification organisation.
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