The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) is accredited by the Commonwealth Government Organic Program, as a recognised Organic and Bio-Dynamic Certification Bodyand by IOAS to ISO 17065.

BDRI is accredited by IOAS for the scope of product certification: Accreditation Number 100. Please refer to Accredited Bodies - IOAS for current information.

The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) certify Operators to the National Standard for Organic and Bio Dynamic Produce as well as the rights to use the Demeter trade mark.

The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce provides a framework for the organic industry covering production, processing, transportation, labelling and importation. Furthermore the Standard aims to ensure conditions of fair competition in the market place by distinguishing those products produced according to this Standard from those produced by other means. Use of this Standard provides transparency and credibility for the industry and protects the consumer against deception and fraud.

This is Organic certification for Operators who satisfy the requirements of the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce.

The "Organic Certified" trade mark can be assigned to produce and or products which satisfy the above standard.

This is Bio-Dynamic certification for Operators who satisfy the requirements of the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce including section 1.25.

The "Organic Certified" trade mark can be assigned to produce and or products which satisfy the above standard.

For the rights to use the Australian DEMETER Bio-Dynamic trade mark an operator must satisfy the requirements of the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce and show soil structure development and farm management as detailed in the Australian Demeter Bio-Dynamic Method Standard.

The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute exercises control of the proper use of the DEMETER Mark or word and the BDRI Organic Mark. This includes applying corrective actions where minor infringements occur, to de-certification or even legal action if necessary.

Any incorrect reference to the BDRI certification scheme, or misleading use of licenses, certificates, marks or any other mechanism for indicating a product is certified found in documentation or other publicity, shall be dealt with by the Institute.


THE 6 SIMPLE STEPS towards certification to the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce.

Step 1] Fill out the Application Form and send it to the Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) with the current application fee.

Step 2] An officer from the Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) will contact you to discuss your application to ensure that you have satisfied all requirements.

Step 3] On approval of your application you will be notified of your initial inspection date. The initial inspection fee will need to be paid prior to your Operation being inspected.

Step 4] On completion of your initial inspection you will be notified of any corrective actions that are required to be resolved.

Step 5] The Standard requires a twelve month period between your initial application and when your Operation becomes in-conversion. If your Operation can demonstrate prior Organic management practices for at least one year prior to your application that would satisfy the requirements of the Standard then your Operation would be considered for in-conversion.

Step 6] Your Operation will be in-conversion and inspected annually to ensure you satisfy the requirements of the Standard for a period of at least three years from commencing Organic management practices prior to becoming fully certified. The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) charges an annual certification fee billed in January as detailed in the Fees Form.

Fees Form
Application Form
Rights and duties of Operators


May I be refused certification after application and an initial audit?
In order to become certified, you have to be compliant to the National Standard. Should the BDRI review process find you not compliant, BDRI may refuse to grant you certification. You will be informed of this decision in writing. There is an appeal process in place and you may use this to appeal this decision.

How do I maintain my certification?
An Annual Audit will be done on your property by an inspector from the BDRI. You will be notified of this impending audit and are required to have all documentation ready for the visit. All information you have supplied to the inspector will be supplied to BDRI to be reviewed. After review, if you are found compliant to the Australian National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce, you will be issued with a certificate which is valid for 12 months.
Should any Corrective Actions be raised during the audit and review process, these will need to be cleared before certification can be granted.

How do I add products as I expand my business?
Please contact the BDRI office to discuss your requirements. You will be given an Application form to fill out and will have to supply any new recipes. These will be reviewed and could be added to your certification scope.

Are there specific Organic / Bio-Dynamic labelling requirements?
All labels must be sent to the BDRI office for approval. The National Standard has clear requirements for labeling. Please call BDRI office to discuss your labelling requirements.
Please note that the BDRi is only responsible for the organic/bio-dynamic rules of labelling as set out in the Australian National Standard. Each State or Territory may have labelling requirements you need to adhere to and these are your responsibility.

How do I withdraw from certification:
Should you wish to withdraw from certification, please inform the BDRI office in writing / E-mail with your reason. We will then contact you directly to discuss the procedure followed.

Can my certification be suspended?
Yes. This is generally linked to a serious non-compliance. The BDRI will inform you and you would be encouraged to communicate with the BDRI office directly to discuss your options and way forward.

The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) is an Australian Government approved organic certification organisation.
© 2022 Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI)
Website Design: Nimbus Design