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Frequently Asked Questions

May I be refused certification after application and an initial audit?

In order to become certified, you have to be compliant to the National Standard. Should the BDRI review process find you not compliant, BDRI may refuse to grant you certification. You will be informed of this decision in writing. There is an appeal process in place and you may use this to appeal this decision.

An Annual Audit will be done on your property by an inspector from the BDRI. You will be notified of this impending audit and are required to have all documentation ready for the visit. All information you have supplied to the inspector will be supplied to BDRI to be reviewed. After review, if you are found compliant to the Australian National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce, you will be issued with a certificate which is valid for 12 months.

Should any Corrective Actions be raised during the audit and review process, these will need to be cleared before certification can be granted.

Please contact the BDRI office to discuss your requirements. You will be given an Application form to fill out and will have to supply any new recipes. These will be reviewed and could be added to your certification scope.

All labels must be sent to the BDRI office for approval. The National Standard has clear requirements for labeling. Please call BDRI office to discuss your labelling requirements.

Please note that the BDRi is only responsible for the organic/bio-dynamic rules of labelling as set out in the Australian National Standard. Each State or Territory may have labelling requirements you need to adhere to and these are your responsibility.

Should you wish to withdraw from certification, please inform the BDRI office in writing / E-mail with your reason. We will then contact you directly to discuss the procedure followed.

Yes. This is generally linked to a serious non-compliance. The BDRI will inform you and you would be encouraged to communicate with the BDRI office directly to discuss your options and way forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

May I be refused certification after application and an initial audit?

In order to become certified, you have to be compliant to the National Standard. Should the BDRI review process find you not compliant, BDRI may refuse to grant you certification. You will be informed of this decision in writing. There is an appeal process in place and you may use this to appeal this decision.

An Annual Audit will be done on your property by an inspector from the BDRI. You will be notified of this impending audit and are required to have all documentation ready for the visit. All information you have supplied to the inspector will be supplied to BDRI to be reviewed. After review, if you are found compliant to the Australian National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce, you will be issued with a certificate which is valid for 12 months.

Should any Corrective Actions be raised during the audit and review process, these will need to be cleared before certification can be granted.

Please contact the BDRI office to discuss your requirements. You will be given an Application form to fill out and will have to supply any new recipes. These will be reviewed and could be added to your certification scope.

All labels must be sent to the BDRI office for approval. The National Standard has clear requirements for labeling. Please call BDRI office to discuss your labelling requirements.

Please note that the BDRi is only responsible for the organic/bio-dynamic rules of labelling as set out in the Australian National Standard. Each State or Territory may have labelling requirements you need to adhere to and these are your responsibility.

Should you wish to withdraw from certification, please inform the BDRI office in writing / E-mail with your reason. We will then contact you directly to discuss the procedure followed.

Yes. This is generally linked to a serious non-compliance. The BDRI will inform you and you would be encouraged to communicate with the BDRI office directly to discuss your options and way forward.