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Certified Excellence in Organic and Bio-Dynamic Standards

The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) is a not for profit company which was founded in 1957. It was originally involved in research and practical development of the Australian Demeter Bio-Dynamic Method of Agriculture.

In 1967 it was vested with the rights and supervision of the Demeter trade mark in Australia. Part of this role is the certification of Demeter quality products.

The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) is accredited by the Commonwealth Government Organic Program, as a recognised Certification Body and by IOAS to ISO 17065.

BDRI is accredited by IOAS for the scope of product certification: Accreditation Number 100. Please refer to Accredited Bodies – IOAS for current information.

We certify Operators to the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce as well as the rights to use the Demeter trade mark.

Cultivating the Future of Sustainable Agriculture

The Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI), a not-for-profit founded in 1957, certifies Operators to the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce. Accredited by the Australian Government and IOAS to ISO 17065, BDRI initially focused on research and developing the Australian DEMETER Bio-Dynamic Method of Agriculture. Since 1967, it has managed the DEMETER trademark in Australia. BDRI is funded through certification service fees.